The Open Dump Cleanup Program uses landfill fees to clean up illegal dumps and to gather evidence to prosecute illegal dumping avtivity. Currently the program has completed 3,693 projects that have resulted in the removal of an estimated 110,842 tons of material, including 21,901 tons of steel, 49,692 appliances and 411,448 tires. There are an estimated 15,000 open dumps across WV. The efforts of the PPOD average up to 900 dumps removed yearly, at a total of 9,500 tons/year. With assistance from volunteers, solid waste authorities, and county commissions, ?PPOD has been able to reclaim 6,000 acres of WV land to date.
The PPOD program derives its authority from WV Code Section 22-15-11(h)(3), which states that no one may “create, contribute to or operate an open dump.” Up to a $50,000 fine and up to three years in prison are the possible CRIMINAL punishments. CIVIL penalities can fine up to $5,000/incident. The program reclaims, cleans up, and remediates open dump sites while minimizing or eliminating damage to the environment.

Example of GIS Mapping for Cambell’s Creek Site
- Pollution Prevention and Open Dumps (PPOD) GIS Mapper: Use this tool to map and query open dump sites using the Geographic Information Server (GIS), which includes statistics on all 3,500+ sites cleaned by the PPOD program.
OR, use the form below to find open dump sites in your county:
- View the District Map to see district manager control areas.
- Contact Information for PPOD administration and project managers.?
? - File an Open Dump Complaint?Click here to?submit an open dump report to DEP officials and PPOD personnel to help with the location of dump sites and prosecution of violators.
Methamphetamine Lab Waste Recognition Video
As methamphetamine use continues to become a growing epidemic across our state, producers of the dangerous drug are often using the rural and roadside areas of West Virginia as dump sites for their toxic chemicals and byproduct. Volunteers participating in the PPOD, Make It Shine, or Adopt-A-Highway programs should be aware of the potential hazards these contaminants pose.